Divine Inspiration for Home Decor

Chateau Lumiere has been providing Interior Design for over 20 years
Visit Designer Deborah Lutz on houzz.com/Pro for many more projects

Surrounding yourself in beauty and inspiration allows happiness to flow. Is it time to do some editing of the things you have surrounded yourself with? Many items can have emotional ties that have the opposite effect we desire.
Start in one room and empty it
ALL out! Yes everything! - each item in your space, including art & photographs.
ALL out! Yes everything! - each item in your space, including art & photographs.
Spring Rejuvention time, now is the time for a deep clean.
Create a fresh floor plan with a focal point such as a fireplace, or lovely view out the windows.

Avoid arranging furniture against the walls. If that is the only way your furniture fits-its too big or too many pieces in that room.
Please do not make your TV the focal point if this is a living room, great room or even family room! Tame the Media Monster and focus on conversation or board game playing arrangements.
Be creative! You can do this. A well designed space will make you feel welcomed and cared for. It all starts with the flow of a good floor plan
Then bring back in you tables, lighting and accessories
Really allow the Holy spirit to lead you in deciding if it really brings you peace or if it's time to keep it out. Have three boxes ready for each room: one for Keep, one for Donate and most important- Throw away.
Having a professional who understands your needs & what makes your home-your home can make the process much easier. And can transform your space into the best possible living or selling scenario if needed!
It's amazing how lightening up what you are surrounded with, will lighted up your spirit! And relieves stress.
One of the biggest parts of being an Interior Designer is bringing to life the home owners dreams, personalities and highest use of each space. A good designer can help you edit to determine the best use of what you have and help you make wise investments for creating your dream space. A good designer designs for you the homeowner, not for themselves.

Custom Upholstery and Window treatments

Perfect pillows

Outdoor flower scapes
color consults
Sometimes change can be difficult...but behind your fear of change is often a great blessing! From a client C.R., Chaska ,MN: " I just wanted to send you a message to say I love my wall color! At first when I started putting on the wall I wasn't quite sure I was going to like it. but the more I live with it the more I really like it. So I just wanted to say Thank you, I am very happy with it!"...."Also we get compliments all the time about the sofa, and it does look really nice in here with the deep blue and Briarwood colors you chose."